Trade News

Saint Lucia Showcase – North America To Receive International Exposure
The Saint Lucia Showcase – North America, slated for July 25 - 28, is garnering the attention of top travel publications. Providing media coverage of this year’s showcase are journalists from Recommend Magazine, Travel & Leisure and Elite Travel Media Group,...

Saint Lucia Confirms New UK Pr Role
The Saint Lucia Tourist Board (SLTB) has confirmed the appointment of Liz Fay to lead PR in the UK. Liz formally took on the role on 12th June 2017 and her immediate focus is to develop the UK PR and social media strategy to support the trade partners efforts in...

Saint Lucia Tourist Board Appoints Katherine Han PR As Its American Representative
The Saint Lucia Tourist Board (SLTB) has awarded US-based public relations professional, Katherine Han PR the US public relations contract for the SLTB. Katherine Han PR will be responsible for promoting Saint Lucia’s tourism offerings in the United States and driving...