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News and Events

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New Tourism Development Bill

This landmark legislation will bring substantial changes to the current tourism sector in Saint Lucia. In February, the new Tourism Development Bill was passed through Parliament by Tourism Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire. The aim is to ensure a more equitable distribution of tourism benefits among all stakeholders. Saint Lucians will be provided with assistance to invest in and take ownership of different aspects of the tourism industry, whether it involves attractions like waterfalls, beaches, and forests or ventures such as Airbnb accommodations. Under the new regulations, tourism authorities will be held responsible for their actions, leading to a more transparent and efficient administration of the sector.


Saint Lucia to host RedLAC Congress 2024

Saint Lucia is set to host the RedLAC Congress in October 2024. The annual Congress, sponsored this year by the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority, brings together its community of environmental funds from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as strategic allies, international cooperation, impact investors, government representatives and members of the global conservation financing community. This is the first time that the event will be held in the Eastern Caribbean. RedLAC is a network of Latin
American and Caribbean Environmental Funds dedicated to promoting the interrelationships of
Environmental Funds in the LAC region Established in 1999, the organisation has 27 members from 19 countries in the region.